Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Michael Jackson's unfinished dream

My mention of Michael Jackson on my Facebook status startled many, especially as I invited them to pray for him. Within minutes dozens of friends were commenting on my status, most of them were fans. More personal messages were dropped in my mailbox or emailed directly, and these were messages from my annoyed friends: "What have you got to do with Michael Jackson, a child molester, blah, blah, blah?"

This is a very big question, a huge question, since it can be rephrased in innumerable ways. What have I got to do with you? What have I got to do with the publisher of this paper? What have I got to do with President Obama?

Or, what have I, or you, got to do with this world? Perhaps the best answer is: "Because I live in this world." This is the point. The fact that you and I live in this world connects us to all other citizens in the world.

I remember the great Sufi mystic poet Saadi: "Human beings are members of a whole, In creation of one essence and soul. If one member is afflicted with pain, other members uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain."

But human pain and suffering cannot connect me with my fellow human beings, if I do not have some kind of "feelings" for them. I have an emotional tie with my family members, so I can easily feel their pain. But, I may not have such a tie with you, and therefore I may not feel the same way about you, your pain and your suffering.

Not so with Michael Jackson, he could feel the pain of a suffering humanity. He raised and donated millions of dollars for humanitarian causes. He was not compelled to do what he did. Indeed, there are people much richer than him that did not do anything to alleviate suffering.

Michael Jackson differs from them because of his "feelings". We can still hear the echo of his compassion through his songs and writings, such as this passage from his album "Dangerous":

"Consciousness expresses itself through creation. This world we live in is the dance of the creator. Dancers come and go in the twinkling of an eye but the dance lives on.

"On many an occasion, when I am dancing, I have felt touched by something sacred. In those moments, I felt my spirit soar and become one with everything that exists.

"I become the stars and the moon. I become the lover and the beloved. I become the victor and the vanquished. I become the master and the slave. I become the singer and the song. I become the knower and the known.

"I keep on dancing and then, it is the eternal dance of creation. The creator and the creation merge into one wholeness of joy. I keep on dancing...until there is only...the dance."

Such feelings are indeed very "dangerous", for then you can no longer shut your eyes to what is happening around you. Michael was in a very vulnerable condition, even before penning such thoughts, he was already singing: "We are the world...the world must come together as one.. It's time to lend a hand to life."

He felt connected with the world not just physically, but also spiritually. He did not stop at recognizing and acknowledging the pain and suffering of people; he wanted to make a change.

In "Man in the Mirror", he actually saw the reflection of his soul and sang with an added fervor: "If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make a change." It was an advice given not to you or to me, but to himself: "I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life it's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference, gonna make it right..."

His realization that he had "been a victim of a selfish kind of love" made him all the more obsessed with the idea of spreading the right kind of love to heal himself and "Heal the World" to "make it a better place for you and for me". He dreamt of a world where "Black or White" either did not matter at all, or mattered equally.

In "The Earth Song" he wept together with Mother Earth: "What have we done to the world, look what we've done." Frustrated with all the happenings around him, he continued: "I used to dream, I used to glance beyond the stars; now I don't know where we are, although I know we've drifted far."

Back in the late 1970s, I had the rare chance of meeting philosopher J. Krishnamurti (1895-1986). He suffered from a similar frustration too. Later, in a documentary made on his life, those who were close to him during his last days discussed his frustration.

Both, philosopher J. Krishnamurti and artist Michael Jackson spoke of change, of the ultimate freedom from bondage, from the old-rotten old paradigms. And, as rightly put by Mahatma Gandhi, both realized the necessity of "being the change" that they wanted to see in the world. Yet, both of them died frustrated, as did the Mahatma. Gandhi who could not accept the idea of India's division based on religion.

J. Krishnamurti let out his frustrations through his writings and discussions with people around him. Gandhi let out his frustrations by withdrawing from political life and going back to his commune in Gujarat. Michael Jackson, the star, let out his frustrations by experimenting with his body. He turned his body into a laboratory.

From a strict diet to several plastic surgery operations and his involvement in unpopular "ventures", his love and sex lives - can all be seen as manifestations of his innermost desire to change. Change was both, his dream and his obsession. When he "felt" that he failed to bring about change, or at least it was not the kind of change he desired, he withdrew and shut himself away from the outer world. This was a grave mistake. By doing so, he closed all the outlets to let go of his frustrations. And, he died a lonely man.

Yet, a man, a star like Michael Jackson is too big to die. Indeed, he is too bright a star to fall. He shall shine for many, many years. His legacy of songs, his unfulfilled dream of the world to come, and his obsession to change shall be remembered by generations to come. Michael's dream shall remain alive, for his dream is not a loner's dream, his dream is the dream of all those who are capable of dreaming something big.

Jackson, we share your frustration and we will turn this into a source of energy to realize your dream, to "make a better world for you and for me". I shall not bid you good-bye my friend, for in your dream our meeting continues. (taken from

Anggota G-8 Siapkan Dana Rp 200 Triliun untuk Bantuan Pangan

L'AQUILA - Pertemuan puncak delapan negara maju yang tergabung dalam G8 menghasilkan kesepakatan signifikan. Dimotori Presiden AS Barrack Hussein Obama, G8 sepakat mengguyur dana USD 20 miliar (sekitar Rp 200 triliun) secara bertahap selama tiga tahun untuk bantuan pangan, terutama bagi Afrika. Dana sebesar itu dikucurkan berkat perjuangan Obama yang minta bantuan dinaikkan dari semula USD 15 miliar (sekitar Rp 150 triliun).

''Tidak ada alasan bagi Afrika tidak bisa mandiri jika berurusan dengan makanan,'' tutur Obama setelah berakhirnya pertemuan puncak G8 di L'aquila, Italia, seperti dikutip Reuters kemarin (10/7). ''Kami percaya bahwa pemberian dana itu bertujuan menciptakan kondisi menjadi mandiri, melengkapi kebutuhan, dan memberikan standar kehidupan,'' imbuh Obama.

Tambahan USD 5 miliar dianggap pantas untuk mengatasi kelaparan, khususnya di Afrika. AS menyumbang USD 3,5 miliar. Seluruh dana itu digunakan untuk membantu petani Afrika agar bisa meningkatkan kemampuan pertanian. ''AS memproduksi jagung dan mengirimkannya ke masyarakat yang kelaparan. Tetapi, konsep baru ini adalah memproduksi jagung di Afrika dan bukan di AS,'' imbuh Presiden Senegal Abdoulaye Wade.

Menurut Kana Nwanze, presiden Badan Dana Internasional untuk Perkembangan Pertanian (IFAD), bantuan itu sebagai dasar untuk perubahan pemikiran dari sebuah komunitas dunia. ''Beri ikan dan dia akan memakannya dalam sehari. Ajari memancing dan dia akan makan selama hidupnya,'' tegas Nwanze. Berdasar data PBB, jumlah penderita malnutrisi meningkat pada dua tahun terakhir menjadi 1,02 miliar tahun ini. Resesi global juga dapat memperburuk keadaan.

World Food Programme menyambut dengan tangan terbuka sumbangan tersebut. ''Kami tahu cara terbaik mengatasi kemiskinan. Yaitu dengan menumbuhkan sektor pertanian,'' kata Oliver Bus ton, direktur Grup Anti-Ke miskinan Eropa ONE. Setidaknya 500 juta petani skala kecil di du nia dapat memproduksi 80 persen makanan untuk populasi di seluruh dunia. Karena itu, pertanian dianggap amat penting.

Afrika sendiri sebenarnya membutuhkan tambahan dana USD 25 miliar selama tiga tahun ke depan. Hingga kini, G-8 hanya memenuhi 3 persen dari total bantuan tahunan USD 50 miliar yang dicanangkan pada 2005-2010.

Kesepakatan lain dalam pertemuan yang diselenggarakan di kota yang pernah mengalami gempa 6 skala Richter itu adalah perluasan anggota G-8. ''Saya pikir kita berada di periode transisi. Kita mencoba menemukan bentuk tepat,'' kata Obama. Pendapat itu disambut Presiden Prancis Nicolas Sarkozy. Dia setuju agar G-8 menjadi G-14 atau G-20. Namun, PM Jepang Taro Aso menentangnya. Dia menganggap anggota G-8 belum saatnya diperbesar lantaran ma sih berperan penting dalam me ngambil keputusan.

Dalam pertemuan itu, negara berkembang memang menuntut peran lebih besar lagi dalam percaturan ekonomi global. Negara berkembang yang diwakili Tiong kok, India, Brazil, Meksiko, dan Afrika Selatan yang tergabung dalam G-5 juga mempersoalkan pe ran mata uang dolar AS yang dianggap sudah tidak mampu lagi menjalankan fungsinya sebagai nilai tukar internasional.

G-8 beranggota Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Italia, Inggris, Pran cis, Jerman, Kanada, dan Rusia. Selain delapan negara anggota, KTT G-8 yang ditutup kemarin juga melibatkan sejumlah pema ng ku kepentingan. Antara lain PBB, Bank Dunia, dan Dana Mo neter Internasional (IMF). Di luar itu, G-8 juga mengundang be berapa negara. Di antaranya, Spanyol, Belanda, Turki, Libya, dan Indonesia yang diwakili Menteri Perdagangan Mari Elka Pa ngestu. (diambil dari

WN Australia Korban Penembakan Diotopsi di RSCM

JAYAPURA, jenazah warga negara Australia Drew Nicholas Grant (38), korban penembakan di Timika, Papua, dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) Jakarta.

Kapolda Papua Irjen Pol Bagus Ekodanto, Sabtu (11/7) malam mengemukakan otopsi jenazah karyawan Freeport yang tewas ditembak orang tak dikenal itu dilakukan di RSCM Jakarta karena ketidakmampuan rumah sakit di Timika, Papua.

Bagus mengemukakan, jenazah tersebut sebelumnya dipindahkan dari RS Kuala Kencana Timika ke RS Tembagapura namun karena keterbatasan yang ada maka otopsi dipindahkan ke Jakarta. "Jenazah sudah dievakuasi ke Jakarta, Sabtu sore sekitar pukul 16.00 WIT dengan menggunakan pesawat Airfast dan setibanya di Jakarta dijadwalkan langsung dibawa ke RSCM," jelas Irjen Bagus Ekodanto.

Diakuinya, saat ini pihaknya sudah melakukan pemeriksaan di lokasi kejadian di ruas jalan Timika-Tembagapura namun tim Mabes Polri akan dilibatkan dalam penyelidikan kasus itu.

Kapolda menerangkan, Minggu (11/7) sekitar 58 anggota dari Mabes Polri tiba di Timika untuk memperkuat tim dari Polda Papua dan Polres Mimika. Mereka itu dijadwalkan tiba dengan menggunakan pesawat Lion berasal dari Pusat Laboratorium Forensik (Puslabfor), Detasemen Khusus (Densus) 88 dan Identifikasi Mabes Polri.

Ketika ditanya kondisi ketiga penumpang yang selamat, Kapolda Papua mengemukakan keadaan mereka baik namun sempat shock. Kasus penembakan yang menewaskan WN Australia itu terjadi pukul 05.30 WIT di mile 53. (diambil dari